Responsables :

Jean-Luc BARAY

Physicien Adjoint
Téléphone : 04 73 40 51 33
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Téléphone : 04 73 40 73 59
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General Presentation

The Cézeaux-Opme Puy de Dôme instrumented site (CO-PDD) is an element of the national atmosphere observation system for the study of air quality (long-distance pollution) and climate research (clouds, precipitation and gas and particle composition). It is an observation platform for the composition of the atmosphere and climate labelled on a national scale by CNRS and CNES, and involved in international networks such as GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) and in research infrastructures such as ACTRIS (Aerosol Cloud and Trace gases Research Infrastructure) or ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System).

It is composed of the Puy de Dôme station (1465 m), located far from immediate sources of pollution, of Opme (680 m), a precipitation and wind radar site located in a rural area, and Cézeaux ( 410 m) located in a peri-urban area, near the city of Clermont-Ferrand.

Instrumented by systems for measuring the atmospheric composition in situ and by remote sensing in the Clermont region, it produces long-term measurements of the gaseous and particulate atmospheric composition, clouds and precipitation, including the vertical dimension. Its geographical location allows it to sample air masses of very diverse origins, the Puy de Dôme site being in very frequent cloudy conditions allowing the collection of cloud water for its analysis.

This makes it an exceptional site for characterizing environmental variability in atmospheric composition.

For more information: Link to the meteorology article: click here